BiSL, Business Information Services Library, is (in contrast to ITIL and ASL) not meant for IT service providers but for the demand site, the business, who needs information provisioning. Just like ASL, BiSL is a process model / method / maturity model, but this model can be used to professionalize your business information management. This comprises defining which information (provisioning) is needed to support the business processes, defining the requirements, accepting new or changed information systems, preparing the organization for the use of the new information provisioning, supporting the end user organization, the management of these activities and the IT suppliers, and the strategic activities necessary to decide on the future of the information provisioning that is necessary to support your business processes and to define the way this all is organized.
If Business information management is not organized well, a business will never, ever get the information it needs effectively and efficiently.
5 opmerkingen:
Dag Machteld, ik was op zoek naar BISL en vond heel snel jouw heldere blog hierover.
Nu ga ik er over lezen en kijken wat ik eraan heb. Ik interesseer me namelijk in het maken van expert modellen.
ik kom er binnenkort op terug.
groetjes/Marcel Spitz
Nice blog n post
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